Saturday, November 17, 2012

New blog title.

So, first things first, it's been forever since I wrote on here.  Funny how 3rd year of pharmacy school will do that to you.  Well, that plus with all the relationship drama that transpired for me around this time last year, everything since then has seemed sort of...tame.  Not much material for the ol' blogeroo if you get my meaning.  Speaking of that, I'm super excited for a holiday season to transpire without someone telling me they are leaving me (for someone else even if it wasn't made abundantly clear at first).  Turns out holiday breaks are even more exciting without a psycho ex to think about...who knew, right?!  Side note, any relatives of said ex, I apologize, BUT, my blog, my thoughts and feelings, my honesty in print.  

Moving on quickly from that, in the blog as in real life, lets discuss what's been going on.  Well, for starters I've been super busy with school, hence the absence of any blogging whatsoever.  It is crazy to think that this time next year I'll be cruising right on through rotations and starting to think about going to work for realsies!    This semester we've had a statistics class where we read primary literature about drug research.  Then we look at the statistical analysis of each paper.  You are probably reading this and thinking, "yuck!  that sounds horrible!".  Maybe it's me being sick and twisted, but it's probably just my analytical mind at work, I've actually sort of enjoyed that class while most of my peers cannot wait to be rid of it.  All this brings me to my next point.  There are pharmacists that work for hospitals called drug information pharmacists, and that is what they do, read the primary literature about treatment options, analyze the information, and pass it along to everybody else.  I'm starting to think that might be a great way to find a niche in the profession, especially if our class is indicative of pharmacists as a whole.  If most of them hate statistics, and I like statistics...boom!  Opportunity knocking!   

As mentioned I'm incredibly excited for the holidays this year.  Tomorrow at the crack of dawn I'll be on the road headed for Washington D.C. to spend the week with my brother Kyle, my sister Brittany, and their spouses.  I went out there for Thanksgiving 2 years ago and had a blast!  So needless to say I'm looking for somewhat of a repeat, perhaps with some variation in the sightseeing I do.  After that it's study like it's going out of style for a round of "clusters" then finals a couple weeks later.  It seems really cruel, but hey, at least they can't cram a bunch of new material onto the final...right?...there is a bright side to this isn't there???  Oh well, even if not it's only a couple of weeks.  Then it's Christmas break for one glorious month!  Stops will be made in Leavenworth, KS(right by Kansas City and home of the most amazing BBQ ribs I've ever eatten); Provo, UT(fingers crossed there's some fresh powder to be shredded while there); and Mesa, AZ (for some quality cousin time, and to indoctrinate the newest additions to the family on who the best sort-of uncle is).  I say sort of because I don't know what relation I technically am to one of my cousin's children...but that's a minor detail, the main point is to hammer home that Gary is the coolest uncle no matter what the genealogical tree says!    

So that's the news from me at the moment.  No, the blog didn't go silent because I died and turned into a zombie...though some days I feel like a zombie after too many classes and not enough sleep.  No, I didn't start a side business using the slightly less legal drugs out there and then get forced to work for a cartel somewhere in South America.  No, I didn't drop out of school and forsake technology to embrace a life of goat herding on the Serengeti.  Nothing exciting, sorry.  I was just occupied.  I know, such a "blah" reason, but it is what it is.  

Oh also, as the title of this post suggests, I'm currently stewing over a possible change to the title of the blog...any ideas from...actually, first of all, did anyone actually read this far?  Okay, if you did, and you have a great idea for my blog name change, leave a comment and tell me what it should be.  If you come up with something I end up using you will win my undying gratitude and I will forever be in awe of your creativity.  Pretty stinking awesome prize, eh?    


Laurel said...

Yes, I read every word. I've got to warn you, the bloggers have gone Instagram so it's a quieter blogger world out there.

Title suggestion:

Keeping it real with Gary

lobunker said...

I too hung on every word, so glad to see another great post. My suggestion:
Gary Stats
Hey just brainstorming

B.B. Thorley said...

First of all, you are a first cousin once removed, but I think honorary uncle sounds better. Or maybe you could ask to be a god parent.

Second of all: "Dr. G's Prescriptions for Life". Or better yet "Gary and Gwen". It's catchy, will lead to all kinds of rumors and questions, and will be one of those awkward funny moments when you do meet your future wife.

Taylor said...

How about Gary in Indiana?

Keep it up, good sir. You're a stallion.

Gary Bunker said...

Some good thoughts here...and I've had one or two brewing in my head...but alas I'm studying for tests this week, chemotherapy is a beast to study, maybe not as much as actually getting the treatments, but still! Anyhow, with said tests looming I will reserve final blog name judgement for after that...and possibly after finals. Patience. And thanks all for the input.

rawhide said...

bunker!!! i read your blog post. glad you've been busy and that there are no cazy ex's to be dealt with this season.

Jenna and Drew said...

Gary you make me laugh. I enjoy reading your blog. "My blog, my thoughts" "Into the mind of Gary". Something to that affect would be fun. I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to your holidays. Hope they are fantastic for you!