Monday, January 28, 2013

Resolutions 2013

My friend, Kaley, wrote down a bunch of 2013 resolutions on her blog.  She told me writing them down helps to solidify them, and that she will only write what she is serious about actually doing.  Seemed like a great idea to me, so naturally I'm stealing it!   Without further ado, Gary's 2013 resolutions!  

My first resolution is also stolen, albeit from a different friend.  A few weeks ago my friend, Taylor, posted on Facebook about turning off the video games and doing other things with that time.  He posted some of the things he did, and when I saw that, I said to myself, "Hey!  if you did that you could be a lot more productive than you currently are!"  With that, last Wednesday I unplugged the Playstation 3 and stashed it in the back corner of my closet, not to come out until Spring Break.  

Resolution #1:  No video games until the end of the semester!  (with an exception for Spring Break)

My second resolution comes from my age old struggle to maintain a good workout routine.  I've been feeling and (unfortunately) looking more sluggish and out of shape for a while.  Last year some of you may remember I was actively doing P90X and it was working great!...until I had some back issues, had to stop working out for a while, then just sort of continued not working out right through the Summer, Fall, and into this Winter.  No More!   

Resolution #2:  Complete P90X between 1-28-13 and 4-21-13!  This is precisely enough time to complete the 12 week course.  Additionally, I will begin again at the end of the cycle, unless I find another athletic pursuit that I can set a goal to complete at that time.  

The third resolution is something that, truth be told, I should be doing anyway.  But for some reason I have found myself struggling, so I have decided to set a goal to get back on track.  Scripture study is important.  I have always felt that way, at least post-mission days anyway.  With grad school and work and all the other stuff I find myself doing, I haven't been as consistent as I would like.  None of those should prohibit me from reading in the scriptures daily and yet that is where I find myself.  So...

Resolution #3:  20 minutes a day of scripture study, every day!  No exceptions!   

Lastly, I feel like I have been lagging in missionary efforts for a long time now.  In Utah, excuses were easy because opportunities were relatively scarce.  Here, the excuses are scarce, opportunities abound, yet I would be ashamed to admit just how little I have taken advantage of those opportunities.  

Resolution #4:  Invite at least 4 friends to attend church and/or church activities in the coming year.  

These, along with the ever present goals of doing well in school, finding a good job afterward, finding someone with whom to share it all, etc. should make for a fun and exciting and challenging 2013!  Additionally I reserve the right to add any goals to this list of resolutions as I see fit.  Just because New Years has come and gone, doesn't mean you can't continually resolve to improve!